
IM Elements

The Information Metabolism, or IM Elements are basically the different ways of interacting with the world in a psychological manner. If the Functions are thought of as variables (the "x" in "x = 3") the IM Elements would be the values (the "3" in "x = 3") that can be assigned to those variables.

Extroverted Logic - Black Square

Is concerned with efficiency, practicality, productivity, and relevancy of information. If it isn't useful, then it must be useless. It is represented by a black square (Black Square).

As the Leading Function

The LIE and LSE both have this element as their primary (or leading) function. As a result they are constantly thinking about the facts for whatever it is they are interested in. If they don't know the facts, they will find them. They are always looking to acquire more data to improve their knowledge base, as long as the information is proven accurate and relevant. If they aren't sure it is effective, they might tend to ignore or even avoid the information. They tend to be redundantly redundant as redundency ensures that the point has been delivered clearly, transparently, not opaquely, and accurately. Types who don't value this element can see this as, well, redundant.


To use information to accomplish a task.

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Last Updated: May 28, 2014 Published: May 9, 2013

Introverted Logic - White Square

Is concerned with categorizing, organizing, structuring, and understanding information. If it doesn't belong, then it must be wrong. It's icon is a white square (White Square).

As the Leading Function

The LII and LSI have this element as the main function in their psyche. Because of this, they usually spend their time thinking about how to sort the knowledge they acquire. They tend to be concise (informative in few words) in their explanations. Concise and exact. Because they like to simplify information, some other types may find that they leave out details. As a result, they tend not to speak very often. Concise, exact, analytical, and logical are very good adjectives for types with this function in their Ego (either of the first two functions in the psyche).


To collect, sort, and learn information about the world.

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Last Updated: May 28, 2014 Published: May 9, 2013

Extroverted Ethic - Black 'L' Block

Is concerned with expressing, affecting, generating, and instilling moods. If it's real, then it will feel. It's symbol is a black 'L' block (Black 'L' Block).

As the Leading Function

The EIE and ESE have this element as the main function in their psyche. This allows them to control the emotional atmosphere around them like no other. They may personify non living things. If someone looks sad when they should be happy, these types will try to cheer them up. If someone looks angry, these types will calm them down. They are really good at expressing feelings whether they have them or not to influence the moods of the people around them. Because of this they can be excellent motivators, encourages, and enthusiasts whenever necessary.


To control emotions, motivate others, prevent apathy.

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Last Updated: May 28, 2014 Published: July 2, 2013

Extroverted Sensation - Black Circle

Is concerned with environment. If it [quip]. It's symbol is a black circle (Black Circle).

As the Leading Function

The SLE and SEE have this element as the main function in their psyche. [description].


Courage, willingness to fight, protection.

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Last Updated: July 2, 2013 Published: July 2, 2013

Introverted Sensation - White Circle

Is concerned with the internal influences of the environment. If it [quip]. It's symbol is a black circle (White Circle).

As the Leading Function

The SLI and SEI have this element as the main function in their psyche. [description].


To prevent disease, maintain cleanliness, comfort, and peace.

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Last Updated: July 2, 2013 Published: July 2, 2013